Complimentary Memberships
Welcome new boat builders!
Your boat kit designers and manufacturers, Boatbuilding Schools, and Teaching with Small Boats programs encourage you to become part of the national small craft community by partnering in this Traditional Small Craft Association special membership opportunity. You and your family are eligible to receive a one-year complimentary, non-voting, membership with a digital subscription to the Ash Breeze magazine. All you need to do is complete this contact form. Each quarter, you will receive a link to the digital magazine via MailChimp. By filling out this contact form, you agree to receive communications via MailChimp. If you unsubscribe, you will not receive your digital magazine.
The TSCA is the nation’s leading small craft educational non-profit membership organization. There are independent chapters that meet regularly across the USA and Canada. Find out more at—look for chapters and events near you!
Welcome Aboard